"Reporters look around to find what people want to read. They also take pictures." Mel
"I think they send out a reporter then the reporter goes around asking questions. Reporters take notes and then two weeks later this story is in the newspaper." Asiah
"Writers goes to different places like peoples' houses and interviews them." Ominee
"I think reporters make the news by finding out things about people and collecting other information. Then they share this information with different newspapers like the StarTribune and the New York Times." Alexis
"People make newspapers by writing about what they see in the world." Jennifer
"Writers go out and explore the world. Photographers take a lot of pictures for the newspaper. Once they finish putting the newspaper, they figure out the price." Daisy
"I think they use a lot of trees to make the paper for printing the news." Salma
"Writers and reporters do a lot of research on the computer to get information." Charly
"Reporters gather information then come back, sit at a computer and write the news."
"Once reporters write the news, they print thousands of copies, and deliver the newspapers to people." Jakelin
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